It may sound obvious, but color, especially in the summer, can really make a difference and help us to change mood and decoration simultaneously. By color we mean a composition of different colors that blend harmoniously between them. The best thing you can do if you want to move safely is to choose a '' master '' color and then add smaller touches in other colors. If you are willing to experiment a little more, you can combine more than two colors to create extra interest. For example, you can play with:
On the other hand, if you prefer something neutral, there is the option to move towards natural tones, such as:
On the other hand, if you prefer something neutral, there is the option to move towards natural tones, such as:
The idea of putting a carpet on the balcony may surprise us at first, but the truth is that this trend is very popular abroad and is applied extensively even outdoors, such as in patios, terraces and courtyards, since it adds to the decoration and creates the feeling of an outdoor living room. To achieve this result, you should opt for a summer rug, not very thick and preferably brightly colored or with patterns.
In case it is difficult for you to find such large 'summer' carpets, there is the alternative to buy a simple carpet in a neutral color and create the patterns you want using either masking tape or stencils that you create yourself . For painting the rug, you can either use fabric colors or spray and acrylic colors.
The truth is that one of the main reasons you want to decorate your balcony to sit and enjoy it afterwards. Therefore, a furniture set is necessary. The best option would be to invest in a beautiful aesthetic furniture set made of wood, rattan, bamboo, or even wrought-iron and avoid plastics. Nowadays there are countless options and offers, so with a little more money you can find something really beautiful. If you already have plastic furniture, then some pillows in bright colors (and maybe a runner on the table) will make the difference.
Who said that beautiful decoration requires a lot of money? Only beautiful ideas. Apart from buying furniture for the balcony there is also the solution to make them ourselves and achieve an equally beautiful effect (plus, they will be handmade).
- WITH PALLETS : Furniture from pallets have the advantage of being modern, they can be made and they cost almost zero money. The easiest solution is to place two pallets on top of one another, add some thick pillows on top, and your new set is ready in 10 minutes.
- FROM OLD FURNITURE : Your old furniture may look worn and tired, but certainly they are not to throw away. That's because, the old table of the living room and two old armchairs may be the new furniture for your balcony (or garden). It's really impressive how they can change with a little paint and some new fabric. For even more ideas you can see the Incredible furniture transformations post, 1st and 2nd .
- FROM PILLOWS : Thick pillows, one above the other, can serve as a comfortable bohemian sofa.
Plants are the protagonist of the balcony, as they can make it more lively and an ideal place for relaxation. The type of plants you choose is a matter of taste. You can make a composition of exotic plants (eg palm trees, cacti, succulents), and even climbing (eg ivy), seasonal (eg petunias) and more.

The pots that we use to plant our plants also serve as decorative elements; it would therefore be preferable to avoid plastic pots and choose something more original instead, such as galvanized, wooden, clay in bright colors, etc. The options are endless. Instead of buying, of course, there is always the option to make our own handmade pots so the result will be even more special.

If you would like a bigger change, then this is the ideal solution. Many companies such as IKEA have launched wooden 'tiles' that can be placed and removed very easily.
Even if their dimensions do not exactly match the dimensions of your balcony, you can fill in the blank with decorative pebbles and imagine being on holidays near the sea!
Another decorative proposal for your balcony which will add a summer feeling is to use bamboo blinds or white airy curtains; in order to prevent the sun and the glare you can also use a tent instead. The cost is very small and the change on your balcony will be impressive.
Perhaps the easiest and most cost-effective way to change the image of your patio is by adding decorative items such as lanterns (on the floor or hanging on the walls), pillows, throws, decorative garlands, candles, seashells in jars, pebbles, which, even small, will make a difference.
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